Access to the FTP server for yup updates vs iso images

Subject: Access to the FTP server for yup updates vs iso images
From: Patrick Callahan (
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 19:09:46 MDT

Is it possible to control the number of users who login to your ftp server to
download the iso image, while providing sustained service to those using yup?

Some exploratory questions:

Could the iso images be placed in a directory that is restricted to specific
users while still enabling the mirror sites to get access when they need it?
(how do mirror sites log in to your server? do they log in at a particular

Now that there are mirrors, can ftp access on your servers to the ydl
versions of the iso images be disabled during some hours of the day or night?

Can yup use a separate login user id with a separate limit on the number of
allowable connections from regular anonymous ftp? What would it take to
implement this if its possible?

Is it possible to allow access to your servers only to specific mirrors?

Are you certain who is using up your 6MB pipe? Your server is currently set
to allow 25 concurrent logins from all users. How many concurrent logins by
the same user from the same ip address are allowed now? Do you have a way to
tell how many of the connections at a given time are from the same ip-address
or user? Do you have logs that show ip addresses of the ftp connections.
(not username and password, ip address...)

I realize there's a number of customer and public relations issues to be
explored in this, but the bottom line is YOU are now paying for a 6MB pipe
where before a 2MB pipe was sufficient. Is there anything in the open source
license that requires you to provide any access at all via the internet.

-pat callahan

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