yup for i386?

Subject: yup for i386?
From: Jeremy Hansen (jeremy@xxedgexx.com)
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 13:26:01 MDT

So I seem to have thing setup. This is my ftp structure:

`-- updates
    |-- SRPMS
    | `-- tcpdump-3.5-1.src.rpm
    `-- i386
        `-- tcpdump-3.5-1.i386.rpm

I ran yup-arch init i386 SRPMS with tells that this:

Pass 1: Reading packages
Processing complete...
Pass 2: Resolving absolute file dependencies
Processing complete...
Warning: YUP distribution not found!
Processing complete...
Warning: YUP distribution not found!

and then this is my /etc/yup.conf:

.master http://localhost/master.txt
.dist-option Red Hat 6.2
.arch-option SRPMS
.begin mirror-option
  .name Red Hat Official Site
  .country USA
  .addr ftp://localhost/pub/updates/
  .name Red Hat Official Site
  .arch i386 SRPMS

and this is what happens when I try to install using yup:

dhcp-10-2-3-131:/home/ftp/pub/updates# yup --ignore-deps install tcpdump
Reading RPM database... (100%)
Checking for package list updates...
Done transfering... 219B in 0.0s at 19.2kB per/sec
Initial database has changed since last update...
Retrieving initial package list...
Done transfering... 327B in 0.0s at 44.7kB per/sec
Downloading package list updates...
Done transfering... 0B in 0.0s at 0B per/sec
Integrating updates into local package list...
Reading package list... (100%)

Error: Package tcpdump was not found

Can anyone explain what is going on here? Using yup seems to be VERY
useful and I'd like it to work on i386 if possible.



http://www.xxedgexx.com | jeremy@xxedgexx.com ---------------------------------------------

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