Apparent YDL 2.0 bug

Subject: Apparent YDL 2.0 bug
From: Derick Centeno (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 15:53:00 MDT

I've tried different approaches around this but I can't seem to resolve this.

At the point it is time to determine the Mount Points for usr, home, and
root, the software fails. There doesn't seem a way to revert to using the
text version of the installation (even if you select your options so that
this should be the first file it selects) either as BootX always defaults
to the graphic version.

Anyway a report (which I can't print) appears requesting that it be emailed to
Terra Soft and so this is what I'm doing.

Bug Report Traceback

error: Error: Error opening /dev/sda No such device or address.
File "/usr/lib/yi/", line 258, in configure

File "/usr/lib/yi/", line 56, in _call_ return self.configure(args)

I will probably have to contact my vendor to get new CD's which don't have
this error burned into them. Meanwhile I thought "The Powers That Be"
should know.

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