Re: Newbie rpm question

Subject: Re: Newbie rpm question
From: nathan r. hruby (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 08:35:40 MST

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Greg Richardson wrote:

> Can someone point me to a "how to" dealing with
> compiling source code to work on a power pc?

No different than compiling for x86, just so long as there aren't any ppc
specfic thing need doing (like endian issues)

To recompile an rpm from a src.rpm just su to root and issue
"rpm --rebuild somepackage-1.0.src.rpm" then build will happen and will
stop if there are problems. If there aren't any, you'll find compiled
rpms in /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/PPC/ that can be installed.

there's other stuff you can do with rpm, I guess we'd need to know what
exactly you're trying to compile first.


nathan hruby -
computer support specialist
department of drama and theatre

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