/sbin/mke2fs /dev/hdb12

Subject: /sbin/mke2fs /dev/hdb12
From: david wright (dwright5@nyc.rr.com)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 18:33:04 MST

Ken, thanks so much for your help. I have a few questions.

I actually found some information on the topic prior to your response so I
ended up with: mkdir /mnt/newhome (on hdb12) and adding that to etc/fstab.
So when i rebooted it was auto mounted. So it is there it seems to have
created an empty 'lost&found' folder for some reason. (which is basically
what you said, so it was nice to hear the same advice twice, always
preferable,... : -)

Now this brings me to your other points. i was going to copy /home to
/mnt/newhome, then remove the original (/home) folders and just have a ln -s
to the new home, but i much more prefer the idea of moving home completely to
/mnt/newhome and renaming in /mnt/home and that being my new home of home
(ha) (and rmdir /home from my hda12 -original filesystem i didn't know if
linux would like that or not, although it sounds like it could care less
where my directories are.

you said:
>Mount your old home partition:
>[root@byte-8 /root]# mount -t ext2 /dev/hdaX /mnt/oldhome

- now this i don't totally understand, because hda(13) is my entire /
partition, which includes /home but everything else as well, i only want to
move home (nothing else) from there to it's new spot.

-Can't i just: mv /home /mnt/newhome now that it's auto mounted?

-thanks again

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