Re: Networking with .0.9.49...

Subject: Re: Networking with .0.9.49...
From: Aaron D. Marasco (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 16:38:58 MDT

I do not know what you are using that is at 0.9.49, since you never said,
but this sounds like an MTU setting problem. If you are using DSL with
PPPoE or something similar, add this:
to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 or whatever file your
interface uses.

Again, I may be wrong, but this looks like an MTU FAQ.

  - Aaron

At 13:05 8/21/00, Michael Coyle wrote:

>Hello Gang,
>With the new 0.9.49, I leave networking with it's default setting:
>netdev: eth0
>And here is what happens under the MacOS. Using utilities to ping and
>trace,everything looks great, but in reality, I can't get anywhere.
>Netscape (Mac) says it has found a host and is connecting, but it never does.
>Eudora gets as far as sending a password, but never farther.
>It's like it's _almost_ there. I'm using Ben's 2.2.17pre16-ben1 kernel.
>Any ideas?
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Aaron D. Marasco

"[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans
possess over the people of almost every other nation... [where] the
governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." - James Madison
(1751-1836), 4th US President

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