Re: Sound still not so good

Subject: Re: Sound still not so good
From: Benjamin Herrenschmidt (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 06:48:47 MDT

On Mon, Jun 5, 2000, Riccardo Gusso <> wrote:

>I've got an iMac rev.B 233 Mhz with 8.6 as for the Apple side, YellowDog
>CS 1.2 with kernel 2.2.15-2.9.0 as for the Linux side. I'm running the
>latest release of Mol (0.9.47) with the latest Mol Audio extension found
>on the site. But sound it's still bad: that is it's a little slow even
>for short sounds, and when playing mp3 it goes away and comes back very
>frequently. I tried varous settings in the molrc fle for
>sound_sync_value, but got very little changes. As I've seen that other
>peole with the same system configuration but faster cpu had success I'm
>asking if this is a specific my iMac related problem.

Well, I would say that using MOL to play MP3s is kinda odd ;) Linux does
a very much better job of playing MP3s without jumps, pauses, etc... than
the real MacOS anyway so you should rather have linux play the MP3s in
the background while using MacOS ;)

One fact is sure: whatever we do with sound, it will not be perfect.
MacOS sound subsystem is designed for direct hardware access with very
low latency and small buffering (it uses the sound driver callbacks as a
master clock, especially when playing QuickTime movies). With MOL, sound
has to go thru the MOL driver, cross the emulator layer, and then go to
the linux driver which itself is far from perfect. So it can't be as good
as a standalone MacOS.


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