Re: MOL on Umax c600

Subject: Re: MOL on Umax c600
From: Jackson Damien (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 09:05:48 MST

> > I believe I have successfully grabbed the rom image, but it complains
> > about needing a patch file for my computer (a 603 240 MHz). I have
> > read the instructions but haven't had much luck. It also says to
> > recompile the kernel, and I'm not sure about that.
>The 603 processor needs a patched kernel to run MOL. You have to build
>your own kernel. If you follow the instructions that ship with MOL you
>should be able to do the patch. I also did never something like that
>before. You need of course the kernel sources. Which kernel are running
>right now? This might important because the patches a written for specific
>kernel versions. I patched a 2.2.14 kernel successfully.

What kernel version would be the first question I would want to
answer, but how would I check that? I just installed the LinuxPPC
2000 Lite image that was released a couple of weeks ago, so whatever
version was on that is what I have.

I tried following the instructions without success. BTW, I was able
to upgrade (successfully I believe) to mol-0.9.41, which according to
the website ( supports the 603. I guess it
is still assumed that you need to patch the kernel however.

I've read the documentation, specifically the patch instructions, and
have tried the dry run with the

cd /doc/Kernel_Patches
patch --dry-run -d /usr/scr/linux - p0 < mol-kernel-2.2.10.patch

and even have attempted patching without doing a dry run, but it says
"Patch command not found" or something like that. I did a:

find / "patch" -name -print

to try and find it, but without success. BTW, there was another part
of the installation instructions that I was unsure on. Step 5 was to
copy the newly compiled kernel (/usr/src/linx/vmlinux) to the MacOS
and select it with BootX. How would I go about doing that?

> > Is there a newer version of MOL out there that might solve my
> > problem? If so, how would I upgrade to the new version? I am
> > relatively new to Linux and commands like rpm and tar, but am very
> > eager to learn.
>There was an experimental version of MOL that should work on 603 with an
>unpatched kernel. Check the MOL web page an look for experimental or
>something like that. But I had no success with that MOL version.

How would I remove the experimental version if I wanted to go back to
the regular release?

>Concerning building your own kernel, make a backup of the working version,
>bring some amount of time, read all instructions carefully and then just
>do it!

How would I make a backup of my own kernel, how would I do that? I
was just planning on patching the kernel according to the
instructions and recompiling according to the instructions included:

cd /usr/src/linux
make clean
make xconfig
make clen
make dep

The only thing is I don't believe (I'm not positive) but it didn't
appear that the /usr/src/linux directory had anything useful in it
when I looked in it.

Thanks again.

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