Temorary 8.6-sound solution

Subject: Temorary 8.6-sound solution
From: Samuel Rydh (samuel@ibrium.se)
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 13:51:45 MDT

As a temporary measure for 8.6 (and earlier systems?),
download the Soundpreferences.sit file from the experimental
folder and put it in the preferences folder. This works at
least on my 8.6 system.

Note that the name of the file might be incorrect
(I have a localized version of MacOS, but the name
ought to be correct).


 E-mail <samuel@ibrium.se> WWW: <http://www.ibrium.se>
  Phone/fax: (home) +46 8 4418431, (work) +46 8 7908470

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