RE: Locked volume

Subject: RE: Locked volume
From: Derrik Pates (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 07:48:41 MDT

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Al Koller wrote:

> I send a note to Brice Ruth on this same subject, since you and he both gave
> me similar inputs on my questions.

Sounds good.

> Using your input, I was able to do 2 of the three items. First, I got the
> network running by just configuring the Mac side to another IP address and
> away it went. I should have thought of that on my own... Second, I got the

Ok, that's good.

> full screen running by dropping to console and running MOL from there.
> However, the screen display is very high res, making the icons extremely
> small. These old eyes are going to have to work really hard to see fonts,
> etc... Any way to change that??? Also, when I try to go back from console
> to X, MOL stops cold... Maybe I am going back wrong... Not a big deal, but
> curious if there is a way to go back and forth between X and console without
> stopping processes.

First, you should _not_ have to switch to console to start MoL if you want
fullscreen - just switch to the appropriate virtual console after MoL
starts (in its startup output, it will mention exactly which VC its
fullscreen output is on). As far as the font size inside MoL, that's
MacOS's responsibility, all the way. Try [Apple Menu]->Control
Panels->Appearance, and you should be able to adjust colors, fonts, etc.,
from there.

> Third, I've about got the printer shared, but only because I have a son who
> knows Linux well and was able to go gets CUTS and install a printer for me.
> My USB printer was not configured for the USB port, and it took us an hour
> or so to do that. I'm close, but we don't know how to configure to use the
> printer from the Linux side to the Mac side.... You gave me information
> about configuring papd, but we don't know how to do that yet. Also, we are
> using "atalk" instead of "netatalk". Does that matter???

I'm betting it's the same thing. Did you install it yourself, or are you
using a prebuilt binary package? If the latter, look in /etc/netatalk for
papd.conf, otherwise look in /usr/local/etc for it.

Derrik Pates | Sysadmin, Douglas School | #linuxOS on EFnet | District ( | #linuxOS on OPN

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