MOL crashes w/ Audio CD

Subject: MOL crashes w/ Audio CD
From: Brice D Ruth (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 11:50:30 MDT

I recently encountered an interesting problem w/ MOL - I was listening
to an Audio CD in Linux and the next day, the CD was still in the drive
(and not at the top of my mind) - whenever I was starting MOL, it would
lock up the computer solid - reset required (network access stopped, etc.)

It took me quite a while to stumble on the Audio CD in the drive ...
mostly because it happened to lock up right after I heard it spin up the CD.

This is on an iMac DV (Summer 2000), using MOL rsync'd a few days ago,
against Stew Benedict's 2.4.4-6.2mdk (on a Linux Mandrake 8/Beta 1
install). I believe Stew's kernel is based on benh's tree, but I'm not
positive on that.


p.s. Is there any way to use the CD properly in MOL? What I mean is
that the CD shows up with its regular icon (not a HD) and I can eject &
insert new disks ... ?

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