mol 0.9.58-1 refuses to restart after killing

Subject: mol 0.9.58-1 refuses to restart after killing
From: Geoff Ghose (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 10:00:12 MDT

When my mol session locks (due to the wonders of Mac OS), I often have to manually kill the mol processes.

This used to always allow me to restart mol.

Since my last upgrade (from 0.9.56), this no longer works. Instead I get the following

_kernel_init() returned an error

Moreover an lsmod reveals

  Module Size Used by
sheep_net 4928 0
mol 39376 1
molsymglue0 464 0 [mol]

Any clues?

kernel is 2.2.18-4hpmac

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