WARNING: No 'boot_method' resource found, using old scheme

Subject: WARNING: No 'boot_method' resource found, using old scheme
From: Philippe Lelédy (phl@leledy.org)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 07:26:33 MST

I was again using mol after a fresh compile on March the 18th :

        rsync -vcaz zorn.theophys.kth.se::mol mol
        make libimport
        make install

as explained by Samuel.

It worked immediatly until after this W.E. where, with no change, mol does
not start any more but issues this warning

No 'boot_method' resource found, using old scheme.

Of course, in molrc:

newworld_boot: yes
newworld_rom: rom/rom4.6.1.nw
#newworld_rom: rom/rom3.8.nw

(Both exist and neither works).



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