RVEC Internal Error 700

mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 13:11:00 +0200

On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 02:15:32PM -0600, Marcio Luis Teixeira wrote:
> Just replying to my own message so people who find the original post will find 
> the answer as well :) Anyhow, as I announced earlier, the recently released 
> MOL-0.9.64 works well on the PowerBook 3400c.

So the 603 support code really works (the 3400c is 603e based, right?).

> Console video will activate if the resolution in "/etc/molrc.video" is set to 
> 800x600x60 at 8-bit color. Switching to the console video shows the MacOS 
> screen, but the machine immediately freezes up. I've tried the modifier key 
> trick, but that doesn't help. I believe Linux is frozen solid, because 
> "telnet" sessions into the machine freeze and the machine quits responding to 
> pings. The only way out is to hit the Control-Cmd-Power Key to reboot.

Hmm... This sounds like a problem with the framebuffer.
Does molvconfig work? What happens if you disable x-video and
start in full-screen mode from the console?

