i tried to insmod sheep_net.o but got lots of unresolved symbols

Benjamin Racher mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 13:29:45 -0500 (EST)

hey all, i recompiled the mol-modules from debian apt-get source pkg,
which got mol working...however.... it seems as if startmol automatically
tries to insmod the mol module and the sheep_net module. the mol module
loads fine, but upon attempting to insmod the sheep_net module, it gives
me a dump of
unresolved symbol xmon_R85e563a9
unresolved symbol skb_under_panic_R83f9b45
unresolved symbol sk_free_Rdc79039e
unresolved symbol dev_get_by_name_Rc2c338d
unresolved symbol sk_alloc_R0af00f5c
unresolved symbol skb_copy_R79cdef2e
unresolved symbol skb_over_panic_Rc84f3f7c
unresolved symbol dev_mc_delete_Rc930d558
unresolved symbol netif_rx_R3ae50af7
unresolved symbol alloc_skb_Rb21b3a91
unresolved symbol dev_mc_add_Re04cabeb
unresolved symbol dev_remove_pack_R82e61b80
unresolved symbol eth_type_trans_Rc28059c0
unresolved symbol dev_add_pack_Rae3889f5
unresolved symbol netdev_finish_unregister_Rea95a8aa

what it means, well...that's why i'm here. please forgive me for being a
dumbass. I'm running debian, kernel 2.4.18, on a PowerMac G4 (pci-grafix),
this version of mol is 0.9.61
thanx guys - ben