
Quentin Mason
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 11:59:10 -0400 (EDT)


> Still to work on
> -----------------
> * I can't start Virtual PC yet.  The app quits when running under MOL.

Known problem.  Has not worked for a long time.  Try disabling serial, 
modem etc  but virtual pc has not been able to boot in MOL since before 

> * Network connects and DHCPs, but I can't use it for anything. 

Known problem in OSX.  Samuel is working on it.

> * Can't get to the CD drive (but I think this is because in my latest
>    kernel recompile I enabled ATAPI by mistake -- I can't get the CD
>    in Linux either).

MOL does not see the CD drive.  Linux must be able to use it for MOL to be 
able to use it.  Give the -cd flag. [My memory is that MOL gets another 
"hard-drive" with the contents of your CD in it -- it is much easier to 
use linux drivers and report the contents of the CD than let MacOS take 

> * Airport?  (Haven't even tried -- don't even know yet if my latest kernel
>    compile left everything working.)

What do you want here ?  Linux can use the airport just fine, once you 
have network support in MOL then linux will just forward the internet over 
the wireless network.  

> Is there someone already compiling howto notes that I should send mine to
> (once I write them up), or should I just write something and post a link
> for official folks to look at?

Yes -- see the archives for the last 2 weeks.
