Newbie Needs Help!
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 00:56:28 +0200

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 11:47:42AM -0400, Brian Weaver wrote:
> I installed YDL without any trouble, and I am able to boot to either MacOS
> or Linux using BootX.  When I first ran startmol from a terminal window in
> YDL, I received an error that 'Mac OS ROM' could not be found in the System
> folder.  After rebooting into MacOS, I used Rom-grabber to grab a ROM image
> of my system.  Rebooting into Linux, I opened up a new terminal window and
> ran startmol once again.  This time I received an error that the ROM file
> was not a valid ELF image/file.  Since I know absolutely nothing about Linux
> or MOL, I have hit a wall.
> Can anyone lend some advice?

The ROM image probably got MacBinary encoded when it was
transported to the linux side (try to view the file with less,
the encoding usually shows up as a comment in the beginning of it). 

If the ROM image isn't transfered as a raw file, MOL will not be
able to use it...

