HOWTO: MOL 0.9.65 and Yellow Dog 2.3 (HTML E-Mail) also a quick not on Networking with MOL and Mac OS X

Marcio Luis Teixeira
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 04:20:10 -0600

Wow, this is looks like a great tutorial. Almost makes me wish I was runn=
YDL to try it out :)

Anyhow, a small note about these two line:

> # rpm =8Brebuild ./mol-kmods-0.9.65-1.src.rpm
> # startmol =8Bloadonly  or  # startmol =8Btest

It should be a negative sign before the "rebuild", "loadonly" and "test".=
Strangely, on my computer it shows up as either an empty box or worse, a =
than sign. I'm guessing it's some strange encoding issue.

Marcio Luis Teixeira