NBOOB - Howto: Start MOL in a window not full screen?

Thomas Otto mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 10:45:09 +0200

> I've tried several different combinations on the suggested setting
> for the molrc.video file...
> Aparently, I am disabling the wrong options becuase when I do it MOL
> will not even start.
> Can someone post a working molrc.video file that allows for starting
> MOL in "windowed" mode?

Just set "enable_console_video: no", "enable_xvideo: yes" in this file 
and if you haven't suid-rooted the binary yet i.e. you do startmol as 
root do an "xhost +localhost" to allow local connections to the xserver.
Then use the display settings within OS X to change the size of the 
Window withing X.

Plus maybe "enable_xdga_video: no", haven't played with that yet.

