MOL Networking Follow-Up

Henry A. Leinhos henry at
Tue Mar 29 04:04:58 MST 2005

Tommy Trussell wrote:

>Does the .diff file on that last link have the information you are looking for? 
>As you can see, Jens Schmalzing has done all the hard work for us
>Debian users, and it "just works." (A very nice "feature" indeed!)
Thanks Tom,

I downloaded the mol_0.9.70.orig.tar.gz 
tarball, then the mol_0.9.70-17.diff.gz 
diff file, unpacked the tar ball, ungzip'd the diff, cd'd into the 
source tree (mol-0.9.70) and applied the patchfile:

patch -p1 < ../mol_0.9.70-17.diff

which worked.  I then did a configure (I'm on a RH-based distro so 
everything goes in /usr):

./configure --prefix=/usr

and did a make (I needed a configured kernel tree so I added 
and disabled tun and ethtap network devices in the config.

Then make libimport, make install.

I had to make some symbolic links because the install put everything in 
/usr/local, despite the configure stage, but it actually booted(!).  It 
mostly works, but there is a 5-10 second delay everytime I try to open a 
window or get a sub-menu from a pulldown menu (better than before)

Does the -17 diff include all previous patches, or do I have to apply 
all of the other diffs as well?
Also, are some or all of these patches making their way into the 0.9.71 
main mol tree?  It seems that the base MOL source is broken for MacOS 9 
and 2.6 kernels.

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