YDL upgrade using apt-get

Romeyn Prescott yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Apr 10 14:18:01 2002

Somewhen around 12:46 PM -0700 4/10/02, a person believing themself 
to be Ron Hale-Evans scribbled:


>  > I wasn't initially using a mirror; I was using ftp.yellowdoglinux.com.
>>  ibiblio.org isn't any better; I'm going to try the fix with yup.
>Well, that's just brilliant.  yup tells me I have dependency problems
>and refuses to download the packages, let alone install them, even
>with the --ignore-deps option.  I am now hand-FTPing the packages from
>ftp.yellowdoglinux.com and will try to install them that way, then
>finish the apt-get.
>You know, I don't have problems like this with Debian, and that's
>not a commercial distro.

I've tried everything mentioned here since last night and the whole 
apt-get thing just won't work.  I'm really close to just zarching the 
whole damned 2.1 install and starting from scratch with 2.2.


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