Availability of GCC 3.2 for YDL

Konstantin Riabitsev yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 5 04:25:01 2002

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On Mon, 2002-08-05 at 01:14, Chris Ruprecht wrote:
> I haven't looked at RedHat - the 3.2 binaries are all entitled 'RawHide' =
- I=20
> don't think they are official RedHat binaries, if they originate there at=
> all.

Rawhide _is_ Red Hat. It's unreleased "cutting edge" raw stuff that is
mostly for testing purposes only.

However, I'm pretty sure RH's gcc srpm's will be marked "ExclusiveArch:
i386" because from what I hear, gcc-3.2 doesn't work worth a damn on
other platforms yet. It will build and compile stuff, but the binaries
it produces will be buggy. However, I'm just repeating what I've heard
-- feel free to rebuke me, someone.

 0>  Konstantin ("Icon") Riabitsev
/ )  Duke University Physics Sysadmin
 ~   www.phy.duke.edu/~icon/pubkey.asc

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