Original kernel configuration for YDL 2.3

E. Robert Tisdale yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 5 21:17:01 2002

I have just installed YDL 2.3 on a 667 MHz Apple Titanium PowerBook G4
laptop computer.
Now, I need to modify ptrace and rebuild the kernel
but I don't want to change the kernel configuration.



file tells me that I can use the alternate configuration command

    $ make oldconfig

to default all questions based on the contents of my existing


file.  The problem is that there is no


file.  Can anybody tell me where I might find
the ./.config file left behind by the configuration
of the original Linux kernel for YDL 2.3?

I tried


but some of the modules would not install and I lost sound.

Thanks in advance.