Let's try this again: sleep on tibook

Bill Fink yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 5 22:35:01 2002

On Mon Aug 5 2002, Chris Ruprecht wrote:

> Well, the sleep process seems to be a little bit of a problem still. I=20
> installed YDL 2.3 yesterday and put the TiBook (667/October 2001) to slee=
> p=20
> last night. When I woke it up this morning, it made an extremely loud, hi=
> gh=20
> pitched sound (coming from it's speakers) which would not shut off, press=
> ing=20
> the speaker mute key, or any other key 4 that matter.
> I think, I can't let the machine sleep for now - it's either going to be =
> on or=20
> off.

Hi Chris,

I don't know about the sleep problem, but the high pitched sound might
be from the system crashing and going into xmon which tries to dial the
internal modem.  If this is the case, and you build your own kernel,
you can edit the file /usr/src/linux/arch/ppc/xmon/start.c, find any
places where via_modem is set to 1 and change them to 0.

