Let's try this again: sleep on tibook

Chris Ruprecht yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Aug 6 05:57:01 2002

Hi Bill,

On Tuesday 06 August 2002 12:37, Bill Fink wrote:
> On Mon Aug 5 2002, Chris Ruprecht wrote:
> > Well, the sleep process seems to be a little bit of a problem still. =

> Hi Chris,
> I don't know about the sleep problem, but the high pitched sound might
> be from the system crashing and going into xmon which tries to dial the
> internal modem.  If this is the case, and you build your own kernel,

Nope, that wasn't the case yesterday. The noise clearly came from the spe=
and the machine (TiBook) wasn't crashing. It was in X (KDE 3.0.1) when I =
it up and I was able to shut it down normally. The noise stopped, just be=
the startup chime...
And no, this is the stock standard YDL 2.3 2.4.19-4a kernel, I have not b=
my own yet. I looked at doing that, but there are so many new options sin=
ce I=20
built my last kernel, I do not know what I have to compile in and what no=
t. I=20
have to do some reading before I build a new kernel and I don't have the =
for that right now.
> you can edit the file /usr/src/linux/arch/ppc/xmon/start.c, find any
> places where via_modem is set to 1 and change them to 0.

Best regards,