Enabling "Liquid" theme after download?

Christopher Murtagh yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Jun 7 09:13:00 2002

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Marc Stergionis wrote:
>Once I get into X (close the error window), I can't open kmail (crash,
>signal 11), kword, kspread, kpresenter (all signal 11's), but kate will
>open and knode ... haven't done an exhaustive trial, but seems the KDE
>install is pretty shakey ... maybe time to think about reinstalling?

 Yeah, things don't sound too good with that install. FWIW, I installed
YDL2.2 over a 2.1 system (without losing my /home partition), upgraded
KDE, Mozilla, OpenSSH and a couple of other minor updates, installed
Liquid, recompiled/installed Apache, PHP, Postgres and the kernel in well
under 2 hours on my G4/450MP. It was well worth it.




Christopher Murtagh
Webmaster / Sysadmin
Web Communications Group
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Tel.: (514) 398-3122
Fax:  (514) 398-2017