iBook battery life

Seth Dimbert yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Apr 3 23:49:00 2003

On 4/4/03 12:39 AM, "Greg Hamilton" <gregh@object-craft.com.au> wrote:

> The reason I posted the original message is that I've read about a lot of
> folks having battery problems which they suspect are related to OSX. I really
> just want to know if anybody running another OS is having the same problems.
> Have Linux users experienced rampant battery failure too ?

Ah. I see.


Then the only exception I take is your use of the word "rampant." It's
simply not fair to say that OSX is causing "rampant battery failure." It's
not even fair to use the word "failure" since what we're really talking
about are batteries that - though they last less time than they should -
still outperform batteries in most comparable Windows systems.

In any case, you're certainly free to use whatever OS you want on your
iBook, and if you use YDL you may very well get better battery performance
than if you used X.2.3. Of course, video-out, sleep, graphics chipset and
wireless networking (among other things) may be less than perfect...

I suppose it depends on what's important to you.

Enjoy! :)