MAC 7600/120

Markus Deistler
Tue Feb 4 01:53:01 2003


Ken Grunke wrote:

> I would rank any Mac high above a pentium, but I'm biased.

The real ancient Nubus-PPC 6100/60 MHz =3D a real ancient PC with a Pentium
100 MHz.

Today the ratio has probably changed in the PC-platform's favour, but I
still assume that a Powermac at 2.4 GHz (if it existed, sigh) would easily
come close or even outperform any PC at 3 GHz.


-- =20
|MARKUS DEISTLER               |
|KRIEMHILDSTR. 18, 90461 N=DCRNBERG,     MOBIL -> 0162/6906779  |
|                                        TEL -> 0911/4099232  |