DSL and Routing Questions

Pat Plummer yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri Feb 21 19:13:01 2003


We finally have DSL coming to my area and will be taking the plunge 
this next week. I'd like to get your ideas as to how I should proceed. 
I have looked at the YDL HOWTO, but it covers only the use of PPPoE 
rather than PPPoA/dhcp.

Here's my setup:

Actiontec 1520 DSL modem (appears to be a "brouter" -- bridge router)
with 4 eth ports
ISP wants me to use PPPoA with DHCP (but have the option for a static 
IP for $15/mo)
Actiontec is configurable via http interface

DSL> Actiontec 1520 eth out> eth1 on YDL 2.3 box> YDL 2.3 box with 
firewall> eth0> ethernet hub> all my other computers

I currently use dyndns on my current PPP connection for DN services and 
would want to continue with that so that sendmail and http etc on my 
YDL box continue to function.

I assume that I will want to use pump as a dhcp client to make the 

Beyond this, I'd like to know how I should set up dhcp/pump on the eth1 
interface, how to make sure routing between eth0 and eth1 occur 
correctly, and any other suggestions you all might have or any 
references that might be of help.


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