YDL 2.3 and Sonnet ATA card?

Evan Dorn yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Mar 16 14:23:24 2003

I have an old PowerCenter Pro 210 I've been running YDL 2.1 on.  I 
upgraded it to YDL 2.3 (by wiping the drive and installing 2.3 off the 
CD), and now sudden I cannot use drives attached to the Sonnet Tempo 
ATA100 card that i've been using successfully for a year.    (The 
system is on /dev/sda)  I can't get to any dev/hdx, and lspci reports, 
among other things:

00:11.0 Unknown Mass Storage Controller: Promise Technology, Inc. 20268 
(rev 02)

When I originally built the machine (with ydl 2.1), I didn't have to do 
anything special to get the Sonnet card to work.  (i.e. no kernel 
recompiles, as far I remember).  I know the new drive is working 
because I formatted and mounted it in 2.1 before I did the system 

In desperation, I tried compiling support for promise tech PDC202xx ATA 
chipsets into the kernel.  It was my first kernel compile, and I 
apparently didn't know what I was doing; somehow I completely hosed 
networking, system oops whenever I tried to start up or query and 
ethernet interface.  Backing out to saved copies of vmlinux and 
System.map did not fix it.  I ended up wiping the drive and 
reinstalling ydl 2.3 from CD again.

In the meantime, I've studied kernel compiles so I'm confident I can do 
it better this time. But, I also remember that my sonnet card worked 
out of the box in YDL 2.1.  So, I thought I'd ask for advice before I 
dig into the kernel again.

Any thought on how to get this card working?