YDL 2.3 Partition size issues ?

Michael H. Martel yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Mar 20 06:15:00 2003

--On Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:47 PM +0100 Matthias Saou 
<matthias@rpmforge.net> wrote:


> This probably won't help you solve your problem, but I've got questions:
> - Why such a small /boot partition? I really think you should increase it
>   a bit in order to have some spare space to later install extra kernels
>   without removing the known-to-work one(s).

The YDL installer says it wants a 10mb bootloader partion, of type HFS.  If 
I don't create it it gets annoyed. :-(

/boot however, lives on the / partition.  SO I've got 12gb's for my 
kernels.  NewWorld Mac's tend to use yaboot (all mine do) and point to 
/boot for their kernels, much like their PC Conterparts.  OldWorld machines 
use the HFS boot partition for booting.  Maybe I don't need it, but 10mb's 
is trivial.

> - Why two 128MB swap partitions and not a single 256MB one?

Somewhere along the line I thought I recalled that Linux could only support 
a 127mb swap partition.  So I tend to create multiple swaps each of 
127mb's.  I actually thoguht about creating a single one and decidedc 
against it.

Thanks for the thoughts!



   Michael H. Martel              | Systems Administrator
   martelm@quark.vsc.edu          | Vermont State Colleges
   http://probe.vsc.edu/~michael  | PH:802-241-2544 FX:802-241-3363