Hostname and DHCP

Michael Tucker
Sun Mar 23 01:56:01 2003

Are you changing the hostname ONLY for the aesthetics of your prompt? If
so, you might be better served by editing the startup script for your
shell (probably either .bashrc or .cshrc) so that it does not reference
the hostname. That way you get a clean looking prompt without confusing
your system's "name". I would imagine that networked servers like mysql
and j2ee use the hostname in relation to the outside network. If so, they
wouldn't like your hostname unless you have that name set up with your
ISP. These programs might be happier with either localhost or the
=3Dx50c5a457 name given by the ISP.


On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Kristian T. S[ISO-8859-1] =F8rensen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I=B9m running YDL 2.3 (hopefully soon 3.0) on my Tangerine iBook. I'm
> connected to the Internet on a ADSL connection (dynamic IP address, and a
> DHCP from my ISP)
> When I boot up the startup script says that hostname is set to
> localhost.localdomain. But when eth0 is initialised the DHCP server (I
> guess) overwrites the hostname - and my shell look something like this:
> [kristian@=3Dx50c5a457 kristian]$
> - not quite the personal touch one might look for (I might be a geek, but
> not THAT geekish :-) )
> I've tried to change the hostname to iBook.localdomain in /etc/HOSTNAME a=
> in /etc/sysconfig/network (even though both places still says
> localhost.localdomain) - It helped and the name was changed, but when I t=
> to install mysql, j2ee server etc. I get errors stating that HOSTNAME don=
> return a correct value, so I've disconnected the ethernet and changed the
> hostname back to localhost, and the installation went fine and I could ru=
> mysql and j2ee server - but when I plug it in again - it doesn't work...
> Any suggestions?
> - Kristian
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