Does YDL use unreleased/buggy redhat-versions of KDE and XFree86?

Markus Deistler
Wed Mar 26 05:36:01 2003

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 5.33 pm Konstantin Riabitsev wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 13:20, Markus Deistler wrote:

> As long as the code RH produces is GPL, I have no problems with the
> changes they make to other people's software in order to make it
> integrate in their distribution. 

The problems will occur if you are about reporting a bug to folks who
are in charge of kde/gcc or whatever and the first reaction you get is
"go to hell with your redhatified/yellowdogified" version of kde/gcc or
whatever piece of software and install a package from official (and
stable) source. 
[ That's basically what happened to me. ]

If I understand what the critics of RH are saying correctly not the
changes are the problem, but that they are not cooperating with the core
developer teams of free software. If RH then releases a buggy "KDE" or
"gcc" or whatever, people tend to blame the developer teams, not RH,
because just a minority looks at the src.rpms and discovers
tens/hundreds of distributor-specific-patches ... if developers start
thinking about not developing at all anymore (at least free software)
because distributions makers (Redhat first, but Suse is also in the
fireline, it seems) modify stuff without contacting them first, we all
are going to have a problem soon.
