Does YDL use unreleased/buggy redhat-versions of KDE and XFree86?

Matthias Saou
Wed Mar 26 06:19:01 2003

Markus Deistler <> wrote :

> If I understand what the critics of RH are saying correctly not the
> changes are the problem, but that they are not cooperating with the core
> developer teams of free software. If RH then releases a buggy "KDE" or
> "gcc" or whatever, people tend to blame the developer teams, not RH,
> because just a minority looks at the src.rpms and discovers
> tens/hundreds of distributor-specific-patches ... if developers start
> thinking about not developing at all anymore (at least free software)
> because distributions makers (Redhat first, but Suse is also in the
> fireline, it seems) modify stuff without contacting them first, we all
> are going to have a problem soon.

This is probably true for Red Hat with KDE, although the changes they make
to KDE are to integrate it better into their GNU/Linux distribution, and
I'm pretty sure many if not all aren't interesting to the core KDE
But keep in mind that what you're saying ins't true with most of the main
pieces of Red Hat Linux: Red Hat Inc. employs some of the main developers
of projects like glibc, gcc, GNOME, the Linux kernel etc. and AFAIK doesn't
keep changes for themselves, the best example being GNOME where many bugs
filed in the Red Hat bugzilla are escalated upstream to the GNOME bugzilla
where both Red Hat _and_ GNOME developers can take care of them.

The only two cases where I remember a clear "go to hell with your
redhatified/yellowdogified version of X" (as you say), is for KDE and for
MPlayer ;-)


Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Red Hat Linux release 8.0.9x (Phoebe) running Linux kernel 2.4.20-2.54
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