Does YDL use unreleased/buggy redhat-versions of KDE and XFree86?

Markus Deistler
Wed Mar 26 08:15:01 2003

On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 13.17 Matthias Saou wrote:


> But keep in mind that what you're saying ins't true with most of the main
> pieces of Red Hat Linux: Red Hat Inc. employs some of the main developers
> of projects like glibc, gcc, GNOME, the Linux kernel etc. and AFAIK doesn't
> keep changes for themselves

Nice to hear that from you, my trust in RH and everything that is based
on RH (eg. YDL) was heavily shaken by that website I mentioned before

Nevertheless I will scrutinize YDL's src.rpms more often now.

*Sigh* the world is full of contradictory (mis-)information
(<off-topic>after watching CNN, a German TV-channel and an
Arabic-TV-channel I start thinking that there are at least three
different wars on Iraq, and not just one</off-topic>). 

> The only two cases where I remember a clear "go to hell with your
> redhatified/yellowdogified version of X" (as you say), is for KDE and for
> MPlayer ;-)
