RAM Disks in YDL 2.3

Aidan S. Marcuss yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Mar 26 20:04:01 2003

Hello all - 

I've got a question about the kernel that comes with YDL 2.3. I started
playing with Linux about 6 months ago. I've slowly turned my old iMac into a
lean, mean server machine. In the process of mucking around, I noticed that
whenever my machine was starting up a RAM disk was being allocated in memory.
As my old iMac has a limited 96 MB of RAM, I can't spare to waste a single bit
(I'm running Apache and the small amount of memory limits the number of
efficient children it can spawn - but - even with my puny 96 MB, the machine
is plenty fast to server CGI, PHP, and MySQL based websites). 

I wasn't aware of using the RAM disk at all, so after reading up on
re-compiliing the kernel on the YDL website, I set about compiling the kernel
without the RAM disk. After several tries - I finally got it to work so that
no message appeared on startup telling me a RAM disk was being created.

Just today I was using webmin and checked out the "Disk and Network
Filesystems" module. I noticed there is file system mounted at "/dev/shm"
which has type "RAM Disk (tmpfs)". For location it says "none" but for "in
use?" it lists "Yes".

So, while going easy on me - did I actually get rid of the RAM Disk? Was it
actually taking up memory in the first place? Should I have left it there?
Should I use? Any info you might have would be much appreciated.
