VDQ : upgrade 3.0 -- which way?

chip yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon May 26 09:05:01 2003

Beartooth - 
man yum

In short - 
yum update

Yum does seem to be working better than apt-get, and better than yup before
it . . .

Good luck!
> My hard copy seems to envision my doing apt-get update and
> apt-get upgrade as soon as 3.0 is installed; but I seem to recall some
> discussion here to the effect that something called yum is preferable
> now. 
> Unfortunately, that discussion was way beyond my still very
> rudimentary grasp of linux. The only thing I know about yum is how to
> spell it -- and that vague recollection. Is it accurate? I.e., do I
> understand aright that it's what I should use?
> If so, where do I learn how??