openssh 3.7.1p1 needs a patch to compile against openssl-0.9. 7a

Rick Thomas
Wed Oct 1 15:33:00 2003

You can do a lot with yum without understanding much about RPM.
RPM is interesting in it's own right, but very complicated.  Yum
provides an overlay that masks (quite effectively) most of that complexity.

Take a look at the man pages ("man yum" and "man yum.conf".  You can
ignore "man yum-arch" unless you are planning on making your own yum
repository some day.)

If you want to see the same thing done in a more complex way (for no
particularly good reason, IMHO), take a look at the man pages for apt
("man apt" then follow the "SEE ALSO" links.)


Patrick Larkin wrote:
> Installing from source isn't the issue.  I do that now.  (In fact, that
> was the reason someone said I was screwed as far as automating an
> update.)  It was suggested that I use RPMs which I believe is some sort
> of package manager.  As someone had pointed out yum i was hoping for
> pointers on installing RPM's.
> Patrick Larkin
> Bethlehem Area School District