3.0 > 3.1 ?

mamonbbux yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Oct 15 05:15:01 2003

bonjour !

On a new volume, I've :
- installed Ydl-3.0 : no problem
- recompiled the kernel : to avoid "weird ide->scsi"
- updated apt-get and yum (freshrpms.net)
- couldn't find the way to escape the "libgimp-1.2.so.0" cul-de-sac
- so asked yum to remote gimp : it did accept très volontiers
- tried 'yum update' (all freshrpms updates): after a while, all done !

my question is :
-> with this 'update all', is my new ydl-volume a 3.1 one ?

or could be :
->apart from the installer and updated rpmS, is there any other change?

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PS2 : bize mam' !