YDL Sirius 3.0 boot shutsdown

Roger WIlbert yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Oct 25 16:14:01 2003

I am having trouble with YDL 3.0,  I am attempting to install it on a
PowerBook G4 that is dual booted with OS 10.2.7. This is a fresh install
of both OSes. I installed OSX first using the the MAC Disk Utility to
create 2 partitions and installed OSX on the second partition on the
drive. I then installed YDL 3.0 on the first partition (hdc9  not hdc1,
hda is the cdrom drive on this laptop) with no problem except that when I
boot YDL is shuts down after openpic() exit, ( I believe that is when it
loading the kernel ?)

Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this ?