128 bit WEP doesn't work /w Airport card

Edith Frost yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Sep 24 07:52:01 2003

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 07:41, ydl@litenverden.com wrote:

> As nearly as I can tell (can't get anyone to say it in these words),
> wireless is simply not supported on the iBook (mine's a 12").  WEP or
> otherwise.

I have a 12-inch iBook (late 2001 dual USB) and for me, wireless was
detected during install but not set up to connect; I had to edit some
files first.  These notes are assuming that eth1 is the port that was
assigned for wireless.

* edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
  add or make sure it has these lines:
    ESSID="My Network Name"
  (You can leave off the key if there's no password)

* restart network:
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/network start

If that doesn't work, check to be sure Wireless Tools is installed:
    rpm -qi wireless-tools
  If you get nothing, it's not installed

* Load the airport module
    /sbin/modprobe airport

* Run this:
    /sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid "MyNetworkName" enc "MY_WEP_KEY"
  (leave off the enc thing if there's no password involved)

* restart network again

* To load the previous thing at boot time:
  echo "/sbin/iwconfig eth1 essid \"My Network\" enc "MY_WEP_KEY" >>

* If it still doesn't work, make sure your nameservers are listed in
  /etc/resolv.conf like so:
  nameserver XX.XXX.XXX.XX
  nameserver XX.XXX.XXX.XXX

* Is your hostname listed in /etc/hosts, like so? my_computer_name localhost.localdomain localhost

* Still no joy?  What does /sbin/ifconfig eth1 say?
                        /sbin/iwconfig eth1 ?
                        /sbin/route -n ?

* Try /sbin/ifup eth1

I'm sorry the notes are such a mess.  I usually don't have to go any
further than the first two bullet points... I've reinstalled several
times and have to do the same thing each time, which is why I had to
write it down.  I'm a newbie on YDL, I hope there are no typos to screw
you up even more than you are already.  :-O
