Install error Yellow Dog Linux 3.0.1--ANSWER FROM TERRASOFT

Harvey Ussery
Tue Feb 10 14:25:02 2004

Norberto Quintanar wrote:

>How could it trash your partition map, unless you let it?  I've had a
>fair share of success with Mandrake, and YDL.  Both have their fair
>share of radioactivity when installing, neither is perfect.
How many times I've asked myself that question, my friend! As I 
remember, the installer started out mis-reading the partition map, which 
made me uneasy. But by the time I got to the "do or die" point (the 
actual partition initialization), it >seemed< that the installer was 
operating only on the partition I had set up for the Mandrake install. 
Boy, was I wrong! So, while I am sure that ultimately I screwed up 
somehow in the way I was instructing/responding to the installer, it's 
also true that by that time I had a number of dual- and multi-boot 
installs under my belt. And the behavior of the installer was unlike 
anything I had ever encountered--"reached out" into >other< partitions 
and made changes in a way I had no reason to expect. Because I have no 
idea how that could have happened, I would not take the risk of having 
it happen again by giving Mandrake PPC another try. Hence the 
"radioactive" label. And for that reason I urge other Linux/PPC users to 
be leery of this distro.

>  I stick
>to YDL, because the community is a lot friendlier.  YDL isn't
>neccesarily better.  Just ask anyone trying to force an anaconda
Thanks for your observations, Norberto. I have had my problems with 
config headaches (X, wireless) in YDL post-install. However, I have 
never had a problem with the basic installation with YDL, and I've done 
quite a few now (most in text mode.)

Cheers,    Harvey


