Share files between Mandrake and YDL

Chris Ruprecht
Thu Feb 12 15:21:02 2004

Hi Clint,

On Thursday 12 February 2004 16:43, Clinton MacDonald wrote:
> Mr. Ruprecht:
> Thank you for your excellent reply:

No problem ...

> I played with this briefly, but it hasn't worked, yet.
> I won't be able to return to it until this evening.
> However, instead of "/etc/export" I found
> "/etc/exports" -- I wonder if that was incorrect. I

You're right, typo on my side :).

> logged into the YDL machine (a Wallstreet PowerBook)
> as root, and added an entry to /etc/exports as you
> suggested, then started the nfs service. That seemed
> to work without incident. Unfortunately, I was not
> able to mount the directory on my Mandrake box (a
> Dell-made PC). However, as i said, I haven't tried
> very hard, yet.

type in

at the prompt, this should give you some output, telling you what your shared 
directories are.

> > You can make a link from your nfs script to your
> > runlevel directory on machine A, so it always
> > starts up NFS.
> I must admit, I don't know what that means, but I will
> read up the man pages on it.

You have the rc directory structure as follows:
<runlevel> is a number from 1 to 6, the only ones we need to worry about are 3 
(text mode) and 5 (X11 Login mode)

say, you're running in level 5, then you have to go to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d and 
ln -s ../init.d S97nfs
or something similar.
The S means, it will be run at startup, the 97 determines which order things 
get started up. S01nfs wouldn't work, as it will try to start up nfs before 
the network services have started. Check, if there is already an entry for 
nfs (S9x range), we only have to start it once. I usually start my stuff at 
97 - 99 after the rest of the system has come up.

> > Then you can make an entry in /etc/fstab on
> > machine B to always auto-mount the directory on
> > startup.
> This, at least, I understand!
> I will report tomorrow on my progress.

If your server has the IP address and your client is on the same 
network, then the real command on the client would be:

mkdir -p /home/common	# make the local directory if it's not there already
mount -t nfs /home/common	# mount the server 
directory under the same name locally.

The server and client directories do not have to have the same name, I just do 
that on my server for conveniance - I always have everything in the same 
directories on all machines.

If you get permission errors, make shure, the server directory can be accessed 
by everybody (chmod 7777 /home/common) on the server makes sure of that (yes, 
there are four 7s, not three :). I have this setup working on many machines 
with the exception of an exceptional stupid AIX box ....

Best regards,