YDL 4.0

Thierry de Coulon yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jul 13 01:52:02 2004

On Monday 12 July 2004 20:09, David Hacker wrote:
> I thought this was supposed to be a list to try to help with peoples
> problems with the software, not to whine about why the company is
> taking it's time to release a free project.  The press releases have
> all said that they are working on bugs and problems to make it better.
> I would think that it would be better to have a stable release when it
> comes out then have more problems, and people complaining that it
> doesn't work right.
> David C. Hacker, DVM

I approve. I'm getting sick of all those 
"I-want-it-now-but-I-want-it-free-and-the-others-are-better" mails.
YDL 4 will come when it's finished (I don't want to have to install three 
times before it works). If you prefer Debian or Gentoo, fine, use them, they 
are great. YDL 3 works on my PowerBook, I have anyway got OS X for 
acceleration and other things I can't do in Linux. I'll wait.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former" - Albert Einstein