problems with pbbuttonsd

R. Hirschfeld
Fri Jul 23 02:33:01 2004

Can anyone tell me how to get pbbuttonsd to put a Wallstreet Powerbook
to sleep?  I have it set to start up at boot time and the brightness
and volume controls work fine (if I run gtkpbbuttons I get popup
windows showing them in action), but if I press the power button then
the first time after rebooting I get a gtkpbbuttons window that says
"Warning - the computer will sleep now" but the computer does not go
to sleep, and subsequent presses of the button do not even produce
this warning, even if pbbuttonsd is restarted.  This behavior is
independent of whether pbbuttonsd is configured to replace pmud and
whether pmud is also running.  With pmud running "snooze" does put the
computer to sleep, but I can't seem to get pbbuttonsd to do it.
