problems with pbbuttonsd

Clinton MacDonald
Fri Jul 23 08:26:01 2004

Mr. Hirschfeld:

R. Hirschfeld wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to get pbbuttonsd to put a Wallstreet
> Powerbook to sleep?

My experiences with pmud and pbbuttonsd (on a Wallstreet, by the way) 
were that both are buggy in poorly defined ways. Mostly, they would quit 
randomly on me after several hours or days, or the hardware buttons 
would stop working. On the other hand, when they worked, everything was 

What happens if you type "/sbin/snooze" at a command prompt (you might 
have to be logged in as root)? You should go to sleep immediately.

> [...] but if I press the power button then the first time
> after rebooting I get a gtkpbbuttons window that says
> "Warning - the computer will sleep now" but the computer
> does not go to sleep

I never tried using the power button to induce sleep, so I cannot 
address that. However, when things were peachy, I could put the 
Wallstreet to sleep by closing the lid. Often (though not always), after 
waking, pbbuttonsd would die, and I would have to restart its service 
(as root):

[root]# /sbin/service pbbuttonsd status
pbbuttonsd is stopped
[root]# /sbin/service pbbuttonsd start

I know that is not very satisfying, but I think the problem is not with 
you, but with the software.

Good luck!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>