Article on how to run your own yum repository

Clinton MacDonald
Fri Jul 23 07:45:03 2004


We all know that "yum" stands for "Yellow Dog Updater, Modified," and 
that we use it all the time in Yellow Dog Linux. Well, the Red hat folks 
are seeing that yum has advantages over their own Red Hat Package 
Management system, and have been moving Fedora over to yum. This can 
only be good for us, since the Red Hat community will now be 
contributing code and -- more importantly -- documentation to the yum 

Here's an article from that describes "How To Run Your Own yum 


I have also put a link to this article on the YDL FAQ site:


Best wishes,
("Yummy, yummy, yummy, I've got Love in my Tummy")

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Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>