A Mac User's Guide to Linux

Francis X. Maier yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Jun 2 14:53:01 2004


Great idea.  I decided to try Linux for a combo of reasons:  its 
communitarian flavor, reliability, high quality and low cost.  Plus, it 
seemed to be a rising force in the software world, and I wanted to know 
why.  Plus, I wanted to know why any lunatic would prefer the CLI over 
a GUI.  Now I know (or maybe I've just been assimilated).

Other reason:  I hate monopolies, especially when they're arrogant.  
Apple consistently offers better products more elegantly designed than 
Microsoft, but at the end of the day it's just as greedy and just as 
clumsy with its customers.  Linux is a nice alternative.  I'd like to 
see it emerge as a real desktop competitor, and I wanted to be part of 


On Jun 2, 2004, at 2:04 PM, Clinton MacDonald wrote:

> Friends:
> Does anyone have any hints or anecdotes to share about the migration 
> from the Macintosh environment (either the classic OS or Mac OS X) to 
> Linux (especially, but not limited to Yellow Dog Linux)? I would like 
> to start a page on the YDL-FAQ with migration issues, and your input 
> would be great.
> Here's what got me started on this: NewsForge has an interesting 
> article by Krissi Danielsson called "A Windows user's guide to getting 
> started with Linux":
> <http://os.newsforge.com/os/04/05/24/143250.shtml?tid=2&tid=82&tid=94>
> While interesting reading on its own, the article got me to thinking. 
> There are a plethora of Web sites discussing the migration from 
> Microsoft Windows to Linux. This makes sense, since that is the major 
> direction of the migration: dissatisfied Windows users try (for free) 
> another operating system that is optimized for their hardware. This is 
> also reflected in the software: the major two desktop environments try 
> to emulate the Windows user interface, and many major applications are 
> clones of Windows applications (OpenOffice.org/Microsoft <spit> 
> Office, Ximian Evolution/Outlook, GIMP/Adobe Photoshop, and so on).
> It occurred to me, however, that there is far less discussing the 
> steps required to migrate from the Macintosh to Linux. What should one 
> expect to be the same? What is different? What Linux applications 
> mimic those on the Mac platform? How does one transfer data between 
> the two platforms? And so on.
> I will compile the responses to this thread and try to make a page on 
> the FAQ (including, as if you had any doubts, my own opinions of the 
> subject :-) ). I will attribute everyone on the list who contributes 
> (but, to foil spammers, I will not publish any e-mail addresses). What 
> do you think? Is this a worthwhile project? What hints, tips, tricks, 
> and stories do you have to offer?
> Thanks!
> Best wishes,
> Clint
> -- 
> Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal 
> DOT net>
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