CLI for noobies: The keys to GnuPG

Clinton MacDonald
Wed Jun 30 05:52:18 2004

Friends: has posted a new article by Joe Barr extolling the use of the 
command line for the data encryption and public-key signing application 
GnuPG (a clone of Philip Zimmerman's Pretty Good Privacy, or PGP):


While only a few of us have any real need for strong encryption, almost 
all of us could use a seamless integration of digital signing of e-mails 
and other documents.

(And, some would argue that its command line nature is one of the 
several hurdles preventing the widespread adoption of GnuPG or similar 
signing technology.)

Best wishes,

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Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>