CLI for noobies: The keys to GnuPG

Albrecht Dreß
Wed Jun 30 12:36:01 2004

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Am 30.06.04 13:50 schrieb(en) Clinton MacDonald:
> While only a few of us have any real need for strong encryption, almost =20
> all of us could use a seamless integration of digital signing of e-mails =
> and other documents.

This is correct if you think only of mega-confidential stuff in companies. =
But the privacy of private communication -phone calls, letters, and, yes!, =
e-mails- is protected by law in most countries. A civil right which is =20
violated every day, though. Just think of the US's notorious Echelon =20
interception network!

So, encrypting your mail is also a demonstration that you know your =20
rights, and that you are willing to defend them. Even if the contents is =20
just a "Hello" to your mom. Just my =A4 0.01...

> (And, some would argue that its command line nature is one of the =20
> several hurdles preventing the widespread adoption of GnuPG or similar =20
> signing technology.)

Most modern MUA's have gpg support included - there is pgp4pine for =20
(surprise) pine, enigmail for mozilla, and so on. I, of course, prefer =20
Balsa (, which has built-in gpg support...

If you need a frontend for other operations like key management, try gpa =20
( or =20
seahorse (



 Albrecht Dre=DF  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Stra=DFe 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany=
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

